Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bloggy Citizens, New Blogville

I tried to use ftp junk to upload this blog town to thechristinekelly.com, but I couldn't make it work, so I guess I need to build my town elsewhere. I found this nice spot, asymptotebag.blogspot.com, instead. There is readily available water and game. I would like to start off by introducing my lists. Back when I lived in livejournal I used to make these lists of ten every Sunday. Although they might look like it, they aren't stream of consciousness lists. I think about them all week. They're more like outlines of the atmosphere of my life. They should give you an idea of what I've been into and occasionally how I feel. Also in this blog I'll be posting art, fiction, and important personal news.

The list:

art writing
grad school acceptance anxiety blogs
beachy fantasies
strict budget
travel money
light luggage
triangular earrings
fake apartments
fake food